Quitting tobacco is tough, but making a plan helps you be successful!
Why have you decided to quit using tobacco?
Make a list of all the reasons you feel ready to quit.
When do you use tobacco?
Think about when you typically smoke or use other products. Do you have a habit of using tobacco when you have a cup of coffee, after a meal, while you drive, or while you watch tv? Make a list of all the situations in which you usually use tobacco.
It helps to change your habits! Click on a box to learn about ideas to help you swap out tobacco and avoid cravings:

Consider using Nicotine Replacement or Non-nicotine medications to help you quit.
If you are not pregnant, nicotine replacement products or medication may be helpful while you are trying to quit. These medications are covered by Medicaid and the NC State Employee Health Plan if you have a prescription from your doctor. Private insurers often cover the cost of these medications as well. Talk to your health care provider before beginning any new medications or nicotine replacement products, even over-the-counter ones, especially if you are breastfeeding or might be pregnant. For more details, visit the Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch’s page on Medication Resources for Quitting Tobacco.
Nicotine Replacement Products
- Nicotine Patch: Available over the counter
- Nicotine Gum: Available over the counter
- Nicotine Lozenge: Available over the counter
- Nicotine Inhaler: Available by prescription
Because these medications contain nicotine, they are considered pregnancy risk category D. This means there are known risks to human fetuses. Talk to your doctor if you are pregnant and want help quitting smoking.
Non-nicotine prescription medication
- Bupropion (also known as Zyban or Wellbutrin)
- Varenicline (also known as Chantix)
- Click here (www.women.smokefree.gov) to get more info ideas and resources for making a plan to quit.
- Consider calling the NC Quitline to receive free Quit Coaching over the phone: 1-800-QUIT-NOW
When a pregnant woman or new mom quits tobacco, it helps to get support from people around her. Here are ways that you can help:
- Quit using tobacco at the same time
- Do not smoke or vape around the woman-especially in the house or car
- Speak up! Ask others not to smoke or vape around her
- Be patient, especially if she is feeling grumpy
- Help out with chores during the first few weeks of quitting to ease her stress
- Cheer her on! Remind her how well she is doing not using tobacco
- Encourage her to tell her doctor or midwife about plans to quit-there are medications and nicotine replacement products (like patch and gum) she may be able to use when she is not pregnant
- Encourage her to call QuitlineNC (1-800-QUIT-NOW)
- Quiteline NC provides free, on-on-one smoking cessation support over the phone, online, or by text. You will be paired with an experienced Quit Coach who will help you create a plan and be there to help you stick to it! QuitlineNC is free, confidential, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! QuitlineNC offers enhanced support to pregnant women who are quitting tobacco.
When you quit tobacco, it helps to get support from people around you! Here are ways the people in your life might help you as you quit:
- Ask others to not smoke or vape around you.
- Ask others to be patient with you, especially if you are feeling grumpy.
- Ask others to help you with your chores during the first few weeks after you quit to ease your stress.
- Ask others to remind you how well you are doing not smoking or vaping-and to remind you of the reasons you quit.
- Tell your doctor, OB/GYN, or midwife about your plans to quit – there are medications and nicotine replacement products (like the patch and gum) that you may be able to use when you are not pregnant.
When others smoke or vape around you Being around people who are smoking or vaping can put you at a high risk of using tobacco again. It’s a high risk because you see and smell the cigarette and e-cigarette aerosol and because they’re right there within reach. Consider these strategies to help you handle the situation:
- Ask friends or family members to quit with you
- Ask others not to smoke or vape around you
- Make your home and car tobacco-free areas
- Leave the room when others light a cigarette or vape
- Plan ways to distract yourself when someone else is smoking or vaping -keep your hands and mouth busy.
- Consider Calling QuitlineNC (1-800-QUIT-NOW)
- QuitlineNC provides free, one-on-one tobacco cessation support over the phone. You will be paired with an experienced Quit Coach who will help you create a plan and be there to help you stick to it. QuitlineNC is free, confidential, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.