No Vape is Safe.
E-cigarettes may be less harmful than regular cigarettes, but they are not safe.
The best thing to do for your lungs and your health is to avoid inhaling smoke AND aerosols like e-cigarette “vapor”.
How does vaping compare to smoking tobacco?
ENDS aerosol contains fewer chemicals than smoke from burning tobacco. But aerosol from vaping does contain substances that we know are harmful and others that might be harmful. These products are newer, so we just don’t know what some of these substances do when we breathe them in.
What about “secondhand” aerosol?
Studies show that when someone uses an e-cigarette, it increases the amount of nicotine and particles in the air around them. The nicotine and particles can be inhaled by people around the person who is vaping. So far, no studies have been published to show how breathing secondhand e-cigarette aerosol affects your health. But children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with heart or breathing problems should avoid secondhand aerosol because it is not clean air and contains nicotine. (Source: NASEM Report)
Is e-liquid or e-juice poisonous?
E-liquids that contain nicotine can cause nicotine poisoning, skin burns, and can be extremely toxic if swallowed. In fact, one teaspoon of nicotine liquid can be fatal to a 20-pound toddler. E-cigarette liquids and the devices that hold them should be kept away from young children or pets, and if they come into contact with skin or are swallowed, contact poison control immediately. Poison control experts can be reached 24/7 for free through the American Association of Poison Control Centers at 1-800-222-1222.
Do e-cigarettes explode?
There have also been many reports of e-cigarette devices exploding and causing serious injuries, such as severe burns to the hands, face, and groin. Recently, a man in Texas died when his vape pen exploded (read here).
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